Sunday, 12 January 2014


Sunday, 12 January 2014

You may remember the ripped jeans I found when shopping in the summer so I thought I'd show you how you can recreate the look without paying too much! I've had an old pair of jeans in my cupboard for ages and I thought instead of throwing them out I'd experiment to see if I can reinvent them. If you don't have a pair of old jeans you could always head to your local charity shop for a bargain - I think baggier jeans would also look great with this look. 

Here is how I recreated my simple pair of jeans…

Firstly I put the jeans on and using a pencil roughly marked where my knees were so I knew where to cut. Then I found some inspiration for the project so I could get some ideas on what I wanted my jeans to look like! I decided that I wanted a gentle rip (don't forget it will expand over time) just above the knee. To protect the back of the jeans I placed a rolled up notebook in the leg of the trousers but you could use anything with reasonable thickness. Then, using scissors, I made a few incisions in the trousers and lightly pulled them to rip them further. The next think I did was use a fine grater to create a more worn look around the rips - I also used the grater on the pockets and hems. After doing this you can pull the threads around the incisions and holes to create the desired effect. If you want a really worn look you can put your transformed jeans through the wash and the rips will fray even more!

I hope you like my DIY and that I can show you the finished product as part of an outfit soon! Enjoy!