Sunday 1 September 2013


Sunday 1 September 2013
I was so surprised when the lovely Kayla contacted me about a Liebster Award nomination. I am really grateful for the recognition after running the blog for just a few months. 

In case you're unfamiliar with the award here are the rules:

Link back and recognise the blogger who nominated me.
Tell us 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions that have been given to me by the nominator.
Nominate 11 other bloggers for this award – they must have less than 200 followers!
Create 11 questions for my nominees to answer.
Let my nominees know they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

11 facts 
  1. I am about to go to university in London and I can't wait
  2. I have two siblings
  3. I'm addicted to online shopping!
  4. I nearly got eaten by a hippo?!
  5. I'm obsessed by lists and notebooks
  6. I watch loads of rubbish TV like cake boss 
  7. My favourite high street brand is Zara
  8. My sister got married this summer and was the most beautiful bride 
  9. My favourite item of clothing (at the moment) is a skirt
  10. I get really grouchy without sleep and sugar
  11. My dog is like a ball of fluff and great for snuggles
11 answers
  1. What classes did you choose to take for your GCSEs? I can't remember what I took for GCSE! But for my A Levels I took English Literature, English Language, History, Art and if it counts General Studies!
  2. What is your least used make-up item? My least used item of makeup is foundation.
  3. Do you do your own eyebrows or have them done professionally? I do my own eyebrows and spend hours on them!
  4. What is your favourite song at the moment? My favourite song at the moment is 'All I Want' by Kodaline.
  5. Who is your favourite Youtuber/Blogger? My favourite blogger is Andy Torres at Style Scrapbook.
  6. One piece of advice that you would tell your younger self? I would tell my younger self not to worry!
  7. What is your favourite mascara? Any chunky mascara from MAC. My eyelashes are quite long so it doesn't matter too much!
  8. What was the first concert you went to? I think the first concert I went to was the Spice Girls - me and my sister danced all night.
  9. Name one product that YouTubers/Bloggers 'made you buy'? I recently bought some trinkety necklaces after I saw them on the blogger Aimee Song.
  10. How many Apple gadgets do you own and what are they? I have two Apple Gadgets - An iPhone and a MacBook.
  11. What was your most expensive purchase? My most expensive thing I have bought for myself is an Alexander McQueen Scarf.
11 Bloggers
  1. What is your favourite book?
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. What are your plans for the next year?
  4. If you could read just one magazine what would it be?
  5. What would your desert island beauty product be?
  6. What is your favourite high street brand?
  7. Who is your biggest style inspiration?
  8. What genre of music would you prefer to listen to?
  9. If you could eat anything, what would it be?
  10. What's the best purchase you've ever made?
  11. What is your dream career?


  1. Hi, thanks for nominating me! As I have already posted the Liebster award on my blog I'll answer your questions here if that's alright?

    1. My favourite book is probably Alice in Wonderland or The Great Gatsby.

    2. I have a pet cat who is the cutest thing ever!

    3. Next year I'm moving to York for university which is exciting!

    4. My one magazine would probably be Elle

    5. My desert island beauty product would be any kind of concealer

    6. I can't pick a favourite high street brand!

    7. I don't really follow anyone's style I just wear what I like :)

    8. Probs just pop mostly

    9. McDonalds all day

    10. Probably would be my first pair of Leigh jeans from Topshop because they're the only skinny jeans that are actually skinny on me and now they're the only ones I wear!

    11. To have my own global nail art brand hahha :)

    Thanks for nominating me!

    1. That's ok! Thank you for your answers :D

      Martha x

  2. how did you nearly get eated by a Hippo?? hahahha

    I've already done this award, but thanks so much for nominating me!! :)


    1. I managed to fall in to a hippo pool on safari in Africa! I'm so clumsy! x

  3. Thank you for tagging me! But like Amelia I've already posted the award on my blog so I'll also answer the questions here :) Hope that's ok

    What is your favourite book?
    Tess of the D'Urbevilles by Thomas Hardy :)

    Do you have any pets?
    Yes I have one cat he's the best <3

    What are your plans for the next year?
    To hopefully finish my last year of university and to learn to drive :)

    If you could read just one magazine what would it be?
    Elle :) although it's not the magazine I buy every month haha

    What would your desert island beauty product be?
    Foundation I think!

    What is your favourite high street brand?

    Who is your biggest style inspiration?
    I like how Kourtney Kardashian and Taylor Swift dress but in general I just wear whatever I like

    What genre of music would you prefer to listen to?
    Pop or rap depending on my mood haha

    If you could eat anything, what would it be?
    Chicken nuggets <3 or chicken burger

    What's the best purchase you've ever made?
    Probably my leather jacket as I wear it so much

    What is your dream career?
    I've not really decided but I think I'll start my own business :)

    Meg xx
